Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Life Takes Funny Turns

I have just completed filling out all the forms needed to apply for a Teacher Credentialing Program. I am not sure what craziness has lead me to decide that poverty is the best thing for me. But I love teaching and not working in that field for the last several years has really ate at me. Although I love the Reagan Library, I need to get in front of students to teach them about the history of the world. Additionally, I am working on trying to decided where to go for my vacation, we shall see what happens.


Unknown said...

very cool marg, I know you loved it! Hopefully your vacation takes you here. Hint hint!

Kerri said...

Very cool Marg. Hmm that is what I'm doing right now! You could come see me. Hee Hee. I have class next week at a hotel for the entire week then I have class July 8-16 Tues-Sat from 5-9 pm and then the next week Tues-Friday. We go back to school August 18th so I will probably have to go back the week before.
Thanks for posting!