Friday, July 25, 2008

Ginger Clinton's Funeral

As many of you are aware Ginger Clinton's funeral was yesterday and I went with Mom and Dad. It was a really nice service. Her brother talked about her life and her sister told some really funny memories of her. One of the stories was about how she and Ginger had planned a "camping" trip in their parents backyard for Thanksgiving. But a few weeks ago when the whole family was in town for a wedding Ginger changed the day to that night. So Ginger and her two oldest girls and Ginger's mom and sister all spent the night together and one of her daughters said it was the best night of her life. Hopefully they will remember that night their whole life. Then her brother-in-law talked about the plan of salvation and how Ginger will be with them forever. He did a terrific job of explaining it, he used an allegory about a trip he and his wife took with Jason and Ginger and travelling down an river on an inner tube and going into rock tunnels. It made me wonder if the talk was for non-members or to remind all the members of the blessing we have everyday.


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this. I wish I could have gone to the funeral. She was and is a wonderful person. She made an impact on my life I know.

KMJ said...

Ditto to all Heather said Marguerite.