Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Life Was a Little to Cushy!

So as you may imagine now that school has ended and as I am only working part-time I planned to have fairly relaxed and peaceful time for the next few months. BUT ALAS (a little foreshadowing)! So for the past year I have had one of the cushiest callings in the church, Relief Society Teacher, as the ward has four of us it means that I teach about once every 5 to 8 weeks dependent on the circumstances (I have not taught since November). But I still aspire to the best calling in the ward which is of course assistant librarian, I mean come on you leave class early and arrive late (have to unlock and lock the door), everybody comes through so you can talk to everyone, and no work the rest of the week. As the assistant it also means no real responsibility. I figure this will not come to me until I am elderly, but remain ever hopeful. So I guess the Lord decided my life was a little too comfortable and decided to force me to work. As of next week I will be the new SEMINARY teacher for the 11th graders!!!!!!!! OH DEAR. Well, at least I know that as long as I prepare to the best of my ability for every lesson He will ensure it turns out okay. So as I am already a slacker when it comes to my posts don’t be to surprised when they are as sporadic as last year.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Happy New Year!!!! So yes, it has been a while, but let’s face a few facts here, how regularly do I do this even when I'm not busy? So . . . hopefully as you as you hear about my last several months you will excuse my absences. In the middle of December I finished my final semester of student teaching - yes this means I am done and after all the paperwork is done I will have my credential. FINALLY!! I did my student teaching at Simi High School, which was a little strange for me as I graduated from there about 15 years ago (and yes a few of my old teachers are still there). But after a while I was so grateful for being there because 1 - I knew the campus and could get around and 2 - I was so close my commute was about 3.5 minutes and at 7 a.m. that is a huge bonus. I taught 4 - 10th grade classes and 2 - 11th grade classes (modern world and US history). I really had a good time and am finding that I miss my students. During the student teaching we had a few fun (yes about 30-40 pages typed, and one included a 20 min video of me teaching my class) tests to do for the state, they were way fun and I think at one point I was hallucinating and made brownies and then forgot to eat them until a few days later. But, halleluiah I passed them all and finished all my classes with a 4.0 (yes this is me bragging a little [ok a lot, it has taken a year and a half after all]). After the semester ended Christmas started and I got to spend two weeks lying around and if you ask mom and dad that is exactly what I did. But I did have some fun times with Jeff's boys as they came down for the holidays; and yes if you have heard the rumors I did take the Dan, Will, and Sarah to see the Princess and the Frog and as we sat down at the start of the movie I dumped a whole tub of popcorn on the poor girl seated in front of me. So now my klutziness and ability to spill food on myself on a daily basis has reach proportions where I am also spilling on innocent bystanders. Now that the Christmas break has ended I have started to work again over at the Reagan Library, only this time I working exclusively as an Educator in the AFO Discovery Center with field trip groups. I work part-time and spend the rest of the time trying to find places to send my resume that is constantly needing more work to be presentable. Well, hope all is well for you and that you are able to find joy this year and hopefully I will be more on the ball this year and get more posts on a regular basis.